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Molly puts the gloss on victory after Joey strikes

Molly puts the gloss on victory after Joey strikes

David Chappell6 Feb - 09:09
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Women's review - 1s win again, 3s suffer a weekend to forget

Aldershot & Farnham 1s 0
BHHC 1s 2

Kathryn Leonard reports: "Brighton went into Saturday’s game with 13 players and ready to face Aldershot. Brighton started strong and, with the new formation, we were able to work the ball up the pitch through the layers. 

Some great balls from Meg out to Abby on the left allowed us to attack their goal. After Betty’s shoulder save from their short corner we countered with Isolda running down the right and feeding Joey a ball into the D which she tapped into the bottom left making it 1-0 to Brighton. 

The Brighton defence remained composed and solid preventing any Aldershot attacks from being successful. Some great runs from Nia and Milly in midfield and some speedy runs along the wing from Elodie created many opportunities for us. 

With one goal in the bag Molly was hungry for another and in the last minute ran along the baseline eliminating the defence and managed to tap the ball into the goal through the goalie's legs just before the final whistle went to make the final score 2-0. 

Brighton take another three points! Bring on Saturday against Burnt Ash.  

MoM - Elodie 
DoD - Lenny - a tad hungover."

BHHC 3s 1
Hailsham 1s 4

Knole Park 1s 14
BHHC 3s 0

Alex Smart reports: "The 3s faced a weekend double header with an impressive 18 goals...for other teams.

I only have a second hand account of the Saturday match v fiesty Hailsham but it was a delight to see Bara on the team sheet. The highlight of the match was her aerials to successfully break a high press, resulting in a goal from Shelley. The lowlight was Ellen getting in a bar fight leaving her on the ground fearing for her life with the game in full swing and somehow being blamed for being in the way.

On to Sunday. I don’t recommend catching the last train home and getting into Brighton at 3am to get up a few hours later and travel to Knole Park. We knew this would be a tough game against a strong junior side working their way up the leagues.

With a mix of 3s and 4s players we thought it would be a good idea to play a game of get to know each other in the changing room with fun facts about ourselves. Turns out we’re a talented bunch of musicians, some have interesting pets, one is a champion angler and one lap danced her way to become Miss Exeter.

The first 10 minutes weren’t terrible. The opposition played the ball onto our feet. We defended penalty corners. They didn’t score. After 57 penalty corners they couldn’t be bothered to keep pouring water onto the injection spot. Maybe it was lubricated enough with the amount of time they spent there.

We went into half time 5-0 down and were hopeful that we could keep the score under double figures. We stopped counting at 9-0. A rogue penalty corner strike ended up in Diva’s forehead, knocking her down like a bowling pin. Despite reassuring the umpire that she hadn’t passed out, she was sent for a sit down. She bravely continued to defend corners when she was allowed back on but ended up with her hands over her head when the next high flying ball came anywhere near her while I bellowed, “it’s ok, the ball is not on your head”.

It might have been 14-0 but without Emily in goal, it could have been 44-0. At least we don’t have to go through that experience again. Until next month.

My ravenous car made a pit stop at Clackett Lane and had the pleasure of ordering halloumi wraps at Leon with Sally Gunnell in the queue behind us. Well, those of us over 30 were excited."

Photograph shows the 6s are all smiles after their 2-0 victory over South Downs 1s

Other results

Guildford 3s 1 BHHC 2s 1
BHHC 4s 3 Southwick 1s 0
Middleton 2s 0 BHHC 5s 5 (w/o)
BHHC 6s 2 South Downs 1s 0
Southwick 2s 1 BHHC 7s 4
BHHC 8s 2 Burgess Hill 4s 2

Further reading